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Using phone, webcam, chat, or e-mail, this is one of the hottest new trends in gaining support for personal challenges.

Online Therapy 

Also called tele-therapy, virtual therapy, or web-counseling, is revolutionizing the way people access support.  This industry is ever changing and new standards and guidelines are being published regularly to keep up with this growing trend. I pledge to my clients to stay informed about these changes and follow all standards and ethical guidelines.  Benefits to the client are many, but most importantly, e-counseling gives you more choice of mental health provider because you can search outside of your local community. Having the right match between client and therapist is the most important factor in the change and help process.  Pick your counselor wisely. 

    Other Benefits Of Using Online Therapy:
    1. Accessibility: The current mental health system often makes it difficult for people to
    receive help. Online Therapy helps people who otherwise might not receive the mental
    health services they need.

    2. Security: With secure Websites like, clients and therapists are
    assured a secure system that meets and exceeds HIPAA standards.

    3. Confidentiality/Anonymity: Clients who are concerned with confidentiality seek help online when:
      A. They are uncomfortable going to a therapists office and may not otherwise seek help
      because of the stigma associated with therapy.
      B. They want complete privacy and are more comfortable with the “perceived”
      anonymity of this type of communication rather than face-to-face.
      C. They are not comfortable talking to or visually connecting with a therapist and find it
      easier to express themselves in writing.
      D. They are embarrassed seeing a therapist in a traditional setting. Feeling less inhibited
      and safer at the computer’s keyboard, many accept suggestions and move to
      solutions quicker than if they feel confronted by their therapist in person.

    4. Convenience: Online Therapy is done from anywhere, anytime. The majority of young
    adults are accustomed to using computers to communicate; therefore, they respond
    positively to the online convenience.